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Seminars and Interview Sessions

8/12 Friday

6:00PM - 7:00PM

University of Sheffield: Special Recruitment Day for University Pathways Programmes

University of Sheffield: Special Recruitment Day for University Pathways Programmes

Type: In-Person Recruitment Day (University)
Target: F.5 or Above
Location: British United / Join from Home
University Foundation
Progress onto Year 1 of Degree
International Year One
Progress onto Year 2 of Degree
Undergraduate Postgraduate

Ranked the 104th globally (QS 2024) and the 18th in the UK, the University of Sheffield excels in a wide range of academic disciplines. Architecture, Communication & Media, Town Planning & Landscape Architecture,Materials Technology, General Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Electronic Engineering are all among top 10 in the UK. Sheffield’s reputable engineering school now educates more than 4000 students and is a leading institution in systems engineering and smart materials globally. In the latest research assessment exercise (REF 2021), 92% of researches by University of Sheffield were rated as “World Leading” and “Internationally Excellent”. New courses in recent years include Global Sustainable Development, Data Science, etc. Notable alumni include five Nobel laureates, as well as Chung Sze-Yuen (Senior Unofficial Member of Legislative Council of Hong Kong) and Douglas Young (founder of lifestyle design and retail brand G.O.D.).

in World University
Ranking (QS 2024)
in UK University
the 32nd in the World
for Architecture
(QS 2023)
Mechanical Engineering
the 54th in the World
for Mechanical Engineering
(QS 2023)

in Criminology, General Engineering, Music,
Nursing, Town Planning & Landscape Architecture


in Architecture,
Materials Technology


in Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering, Bioengineering,
Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


in Linguistics,
Media & Communication


in Civil

Event Detail: University Pathways Programmes

Kayleigh Thomas Joining us in person

Deputy College Director, University of Sheffield International College

The recruitment day will be attended by Kayleigh Thomas (Deputy College Director), Stephen De Almeida (Head of Academic Skills), as well as a recruitment manager from from University of Sheffield International College, which is particularly suitable for students interested in the following programmes:

  • International Foundation Year in Business, Social Sciences Available for January/2024 & September/2024 intakes
  • International Foundation Year in Science & Engineering Available for January/2024 & September/2024 intakes
  • Pre-Masters in Business, Social Sciences & Humanities Available for January/2024 & September/2024 intakes
  • Pre-Masters: Law & Social Science Available for January/2024 & September/2024 intakes

Subjects of Strength (Subject Ranking)

Criminology (3), General Engineering (3), Music (3), Nursing (3), Town Planning & Landscape Architecture (3), Architecture (4), Materials Technology (4), Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering (5), Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering (5), Electrical & Electronic Engineering (5), Mechanical Engineering (5), Dentistry (6), Media & Communication (7), Linguistics (7), Chemical Engineering (8), East & South Asian Studies (9), Civil Engineering (10), Computer Science (11), Economics (14), Geography & Environmental Sciences (14), Politics (14), Social Policy (17), Biological Sciences (18), Chemistry (18), Physics & Astronomy (18), German (19), Philosophy (20), Medicine (21), Mathematics (23), Law (24), Education (25), Accounting & Finance (26), Iberian Languages (Portuguese & Spanish) (27), English (29), French (29), Business Studies (30), History (31), Sociology (31), Psychology (35), Medical-related Subjects (41)

You are registering for:

  • Event: University of Sheffield: Special Recruitment Day for University Pathways Programmes
  • Date: 8/12(Friday)
  • Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM
University Foundation
International Year One
Top-Up Degree
English Course