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Seminars and Interview Sessions

15/8 Thursday

1:30PM - 3:30PM

University College Birmingham

University College Birmingham

Type: In-Person Recruitment Day (University)
Target: F.5 or Above
Location: British United / Join from Home
University Foundation
Progress onto Year 1 of Degree
International Year One
Progress onto Year 2 of Degree
Undergraduate Postgraduate
Many Programmes are Awarded by University of Warwick

University College Birmingham (UCB) is a university located in the city centre of Birmingham, which was granted full University status in 2012. It was formerly named Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies, which have a long history of teaching and a reputation in the area of Culinary Arts Management, Tourism & Hospitality and alike.

University College Birmingham (UCB) is big on vocational courses, and most of the assessment are entirely coursework based. The majority of programmes accept Hong Kong’s associate degree and higher diploma graduates to year 3 of undergraduate programmes. Starting from 2022/23, many degree programmes in University College Birmingham (UCB) will be awarded by University of Warwick, including Tourism Management, Event Management and Digital Marketing.

Five-Star Restaurants Run by Students

University College Birmingham (UCB) has two restaurants which are run by their own students under the guidance of senior chef lecturers and food service experts, in a similar model of PolyU and Hotel Icon. The restaurants continue to win popular acclaim, where they were rated five-star on TripAdvisor and listed among the Top 10 Restaurants in Birmingham by Birmingham Mail. Students on their chef, food service and hospitality programmes train in the restaurants as part of their courses and develop invaluable hands-on experience.

You are registering for:

  • Event: University College Birmingham
  • Date: 15/8(Thursday)
  • Time: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
University Foundation
International Year One
Top-Up Degree
English Course