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Seminars and Interview Sessions

2/4 Tuesday

3:00PM - 4:30PM

Trent College, Nottingham

Trent College, Nottingham

Type: In-Person Interview & Recruitment Day (Boarding School)
Target: F.3 to F.7 (Boarding Students), Kindergarten to F.7 (Day Students)
Location: British United / Join from Home
Termly Boarding Fees in 2023/24 (3 Terms per Year)
Y4 – Y5 Y6 Y7 – Y8 Y9 Y10 – Y11 Y12 – Y13
- - £13184 £13547 £13547 £13547

Trent College is a boarding school in the suburban residential area of Nottingham, which is just 20 minutes away from the city centre. In the three years before the pandemic (2017-2019), A*-B rates in GCE A-levels were between 58% to 70%, and the A*-B rate in 2023 was at 67%. In terms of value-addedness Trent College has always been within the best 15% of schools in the UK. With the good teaching provided, the College has seen graduates going to Oxbridge and UCL, pursuing professional degrees like medicine, law and biological sciences. The majority of students are from local families with professional background.

31% A*-A
% of A*-A in GCE A-levels (2023)
67% A*-B
% of A*-B in GCE A-levels (2023)

You are registering for:

  • Event: Trent College, Nottingham
  • Date: 2/4(Tuesday)
  • Time: 3:00PM - 4:30PM
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10-11
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13