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Seminars and Interview Sessions

13/10 Friday

5:00PM - 7:00PM

St Clare’s Oxford

St Clare’s Oxford

Type: In-Person Interview & Recruitment Day (Indepedent Sixth Form College)
Target: F.4 or above
Location: British United / Join from Home
GCSE International Baccalaureate University Foundation
1-Year Pre-IB Programme 2-Year Programme 1-Year Programme

With outstanding exam performance years after years, St Clare’s Oxford enjoys an excellent reputation in International Baccalaureate (IB) and is often regarded as the best IB school in the UK. In the IB exam of 2023, students achieved an average score of 35.7, with about a quarter of students achieved 40 scores or above. With such impressive result, St Clare’s Oxford remains as the best sixth form college in Oxfordshire and the 30th best among independent schools in the UK (Telegraph 2019). A one-year Pre-IB programme is also available, providing a chance for students who want to start the IB programme right after F.4.

Average IB Score (2023)
The Telegraph Independent School Ranking (2019)

You are registering for:

  • Event: St Clare’s Oxford
  • Date: 13/10(Friday)
  • Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
中三(Year 9)
GCSE (Year 10-11)
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13
Year 13
University Foundation
International Year One
English Course