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Seminars and Interview Sessions

14/8 Wednesday

4:00PM - 8:00PM

Leeds Arts University

Leeds Arts University

Type: Virtual Portfolio Advices & Recruitment Day (Art University)
Target: F.5 or above
Location: British United / Join from Home
University Foundation
Progress onto Year 1 of Degree
International Year One
Progress onto Year 2 of Degree
Undergraduate Postgraduate
• (1-Year & 2-Year Programmes)

Currently the only specialist art university in Northern England, Leeds Arts University (formerly known as Leeds College of Art) was officially granted university status in 2017. Its history, however, could be traced back to 1846. In the past 170 years since its foundation, many British artists have studied in Leeds Arts University as part of their education. They include visual artist Damien Hirst, sculptor Henry Moore (whose work Double Oval is installed in Jardine House, Hong Kong). As a specialist art university, Leeds Arts University offers a wide range of options in visual art degrees, including Fashion, Photography, Graphic Design & Illustration, Fine Art, Visual Communication, Advertisingand more! There are also two very unique and practical programmes – Textiles Design, and Comic & Concept Art.

In Textiles Design, students will learn to create surface patterns for fashion, interior and furniture design. Students will also have the opportunities to experience industry-standard trade fairs in the UK, USA, France, Belgium, etc. In the past, students from Leeds Arts University have won awards in the New Designers trade show in London, as well as Surtex in USA. The programme involves elements of graphic design, textiles and product design – a very good option for students interested in these areas of design! Comic & Concept Art, one the other hand, focuses on character creation and storytelling. The practical skills taught in the programme are useful techniques for the comic and advertising industries, and particularly valuable to pre-production in film, television and game design!

in Film &
Photography (Guardian 2024)
in Fashion &
Textiles (Guardian 2024)
in Animation & Game
Design (Guardian 2024)
in Graphic
Design (Guardian 2024)

You are registering for:

  • Event: Leeds Arts University
  • Date: 14/8(Wednesday)
  • Time: 4:00PM - 8:00PM
University Foundation
International Year One
Top-Up Degree
English Course