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Seminars and Interview Sessions

14/10 Monday

6:30PM - 7:00PM

Brighton College Prep Kensington

Brighton College Prep Kensington

Type: In-Person Interview & Recruitment Day (Independent Day School)
Target: Day Students from Kindergarten to F.2
Location: British United / Join from Home
Termly Day Fees in 2024/25 (3 Terms per Year)
Y1 – Y2 Y3 Y4 – Y5 Y6 Y7 – Y8 Y9 Y10 – Y11 Y12 – Y13
£9188 £9762 £9762 £9762 £10294 - - -

Brighton College Prep Kensington is a joint-venture between Cognita Schools – a global independent schools group – and top boarding school Brighton College. With the first cohort set to start in 2023/24, Brighton College Prep Kensington will provide nursery to Year 8 in its campus in South Kensington, London – which is just across the corner from Imperial College London and Natural History Museum.

Brighton College Prep Kensington is a new development between two groups after the successful establishment of Brighton College Singapore.

You are registering for:

  • Event: Brighton College Prep Kensington
  • Date: 14/10(Monday)
  • Time: 6:30PM - 7:00PM
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10-11
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13