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Suitable for HKDSE F.6 StudentsSuitable for HKALE F.6 Students

1-Year A-levels

Standard GCE A-levels programmes are two years long and completed in in F.6 and F.7 (Year 12-13) in the UK. The 1-Year A-levels is an intensive version of that and is designed to provide a second chance to tackle public exams for students who have completed secondary school education. Some British students would take the 1-Year A-levels, to re-take their A-levels and get better grades. For Hong Kong students, it’s a chance to tackle another widely-recognized public exam. If students have the ambitions and believe that they’re capable of getting into one of the world’s finest universities (such as Oxbridge, LSE and alike) or one of the highly competitive subjects (such as Medicine, Actuarial Science, Law, etc), then the 1-Year A-levels programme will be a good option to consider!

1-Year A-levels programmes are usually run by independent colleges, in which students will normally only study English and three A-level subjects. As these programmes are usually designed to enable high-achiving students to achieve more, many of them come with extra support for Oxbridge and medical school application, as well as interview training, to enhance students’ chances of getting in some of the most competive universities and courses.

Course Features

  • Worldwide reputation of the qualification enables students to apply to all top universities in most countries including universities in Hong Kong.
  • Many of these programmes come with extra support for Oxbridge and medical school application, as well as interview training, to enhance students’ chances of getting in some of the most competive universities and courses.

Examples of Schools & Colleges that Offer 1-Year A-levels

Comparison of HKDSE & GCE A-levels

Number of Candidates 50,809 218,398
% of 5 in HKDSE or A in GCE AL or above 12.3% 44.7%*
% of 555, 3As or above N/A 27.5%*
University places:Graduates ratio 1:3.4
About 3-4 candidates compete for one place in universities.
Supply outnumbers demand. Everyone gets in.
* Using information of boarding school candidates only. National achievement of A and 3As are 26.9% and 13.4% respectively. Source: HKEAA – 2020, DfE (UK) – 2019
Progression Route
1-Year A-levels升學路線圖
Annual Tuition & Accommodation Cost
Independent Day School HK$190K - 390K
State College HK$150K - 280K
Independent College HK$250K - 630K
Admission Requirements
Academic Requirement
Hong Kong Student Mainland Chinese Student
Completed F.6 Completed F.6
English Requirement
IELTS 5.0+

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Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10-11
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13