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UK University Ranking 2016

With information of University Foundation Courses and International Diploma Programmes. Now available for download.

UK University Ranking 2016

Changes in the University Ranking

For many students and parents, the UK university ranking published by the Times Good University Guide is a major reference when choosing their university programmes. The ranking evaluates UK universities by criteria such as teaching quality, student experience, research quality, entry standards, student-staff ratio and graduate prospect.

In view of the UK Government’s future plan to enhance teaching and learning experience and the availability of new datasets, the Times made the following changes to the ranking of 2016:

  • The UK Government has plans in place to enhance teaching and learning experience in higher education. Changes were therefore made to the weighting of the student satisfaction score, putting further emphasis on student’s satisfaction with teaching, feedback and academic support. After these changes, the student satisfaction score will carry the same weight in the whole ranking as before, but its formulation will reveal more of aspects that have direct impact to learning experience.
  • The research quality score in the Times ranking is based on a research assessment exercise carried out by an UK government agent every six years. The latest research assessment exercise (REF 2014) was released in early 2015, bringing new insights and changes to the ranking.

Although there are more changes in the mechanism and datasets than before, these resulted in no major movements in the first half of the ranking, reflecting that many of these universities are very well-balanced in their provision of education. With the release of the 2016 university ranking, we would like point out a few important changes in the ranking:

  • Cambridge tops the table after a year sharing number one with Oxford.
  • University of Surrey makes it to the Top 10 and is now ranked the 8th in the UK. Surrey is also the winner of the University of the Year award for the good balance between research and teaching quality.
  • Over 25 universities within the top 30 now offer some university foundation programmes. Many of these offer “Guaranteed Progression” with very encouraging progression rates.
UK Universities
1 1 Cambridge
2 1 Oxford
3 4 Imperial College
4 3 St Andrews
5 6 Durham
6 8 Warwick
7 7 Exeter
8 11 Surrey
9 5 London School of Economics (LSE)
10 9 University College London (UCL)
11 12 Lancaster
12 10 Bath
13 13 Loughborough
14 17 Leeds
15 16 York
16 18 Southampton
17 15 Birmingham
18 14 East Anglia.
19 25 Sussex
20 19 Bristol
21 21 Sheffield.
22 22 Edinburgh
23 30 Kent
23 22 Newcastle.
25 22 Nottingham
26 26 Glasgow
27 29 King’s
28 20 Leicester
28 28 Manchester
30 34 Aston
31 38 Queen’s, Belfast.
32 33 Reading
33 27 Cardiff
34 37 Queen Mary
35 32 Essex.
36 34 Royal Holloway
37 45 Dundee.
38 48 Buckingham
38 41 Heriot-Watt.
38 36 Liverpool
41 46 City.
41 43 Swansea.
43 40 Keele
44 31 SOAS.
45 44 Aberdeen
46 39 Strathclyde.
47 42 Coventry.
48 - St George’s, University of London
49 63 Harper Adams
50 53 Stirling
51 - Royal Agricultural University
52 50 Bangor
53 54 De Montfort.
54 52 Nottingham Trent
55 49 Oxford Brookes
56 51 Falmouth.
57 69 Ulster.
58 70 Bath Spa
59 57 Portsmouth.
60 47 Brunel.
61 - Norwich University of the Arts
62 74 Creative Arts.
62 60 Lincoln.
64 66 Northumbria.
64 61 Winchester.
66 55 Goldsmiths
67 58 Hull
68 72 Edge Hill.
69 65 Chichester.
69 77 Huddersfield.
69 64 Robert Gordon.
72 62 Sheffield Hallam.
73 68 West of England.
74 71 Liverpool John Moores.
75 76 Bradford.
76 79 Hertfordshire.
77 89 Manchester Metropolitan.
78 73 Roehampton.
79 93 Aberystwyth.
79 - Liverpool Hope
81 59 Arts University Bournemouth.
82 88 Bournemouth
82 56 Northampton.
84 81 Derby.
85 75 Middlesex.
85 80 Plymouth.
87 67 Chester
88 83 Gloucestershire.
89 87 York St John
90 82 Brighton
91 91 Leeds Trinity
92 77 Central Lancashire.
93 97 Edinburgh Napier.
94 84 Glasgow Caledonian.
95 101 Staffordshire
96 86 Queen Margaret.
97 106 Abertay
98 105 Salford
99 85 Uni of the Arts
100 100 St Mary’s, Twickenham
100 107 Worcester.
102 94 Teesside.
103 90 Cardiff Metropolitan
104 99 Sunderland.
105 91 Birmingham City.
106 98 Greenwich.
107 96 Canterbury Christ Church
108 110 Anglia Ruskin.
109 116 Buckinghamshire New.
110 108 Bedfordshire.
111 117 Kingston.
112 102 Bishop Grosseteste
112 114 South Wales
114 111 Leeds Beckett
115 104 Newman University, Birmingham.
115 115 Southampton Solent.
115 112 Westminster.
118 118 West of Scotland
119 95 Cumbria.
120 122 London South Bank.
121 109 West London
122 113 Glyndwr.
123 120 Bolton.
123 102 St Mark & St John
125 123 London Metropolitan
126 121 Highlands and Islands
127 119 East London

The Importance of Subject Ranking

When looking at the university ranking table, students should be aware that it is based on overall performance of the universities, and therefore may not necessarily reflects a university’s strength in a specific subject area. For many reasons, some universities that are leading in a specific subject area might be ranked relatively low in the overall ranking table. This phenomenon is more common in newly developed subjects (such as hospitality & tourism). For students who have chosen a specific subject, subject ranking tables will be a better reference.

Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Accounting & Finance
1 14 Leeds
2 46 Strathclyde.
3 31 Queen’s, Belfast.
4 11 Lancaster
5 12 Bath
Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Communication & Media
1 11 Lancaster
2 13 Loughborough
3 23 Newcastle.
4 33 Cardiff
5 6 Warwick
Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Hospitality & Tourism
1 17 Birmingham
2 7 Exeter
3 8 Surrey
4 46 Strathclyde.
5 74 Liverpool John Moores.
Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Pharmacy
1 1 Cambridge
2 31 Queen’s, Belfast.
3 33 Cardiff
4 57 Ulster.
5 30 Aston
Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Physiotherapy
1 16 Southampton
2 17 Birmingham
3 33 Cardiff
4 18 East Anglia.
5 69 Robert Gordon.
Subject Ranking Overall Ranking Psychology
1 1 Cambridge
2 12 Bath
3 2 Oxford
4 4 St Andrews
5 10 University College London (UCL)
Downloading UK University Ranking 2016

the Subject Ranking Tables

In order to help students choose the most suitable university, we have gathered information on subject ranking, entry requirement and pathway programmes for the subject areas below, which you can download for free!

Accounting & Finance
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
Art & Design
Biological Sciences
Building & Surveying
Business Studies
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Communication & Media
Computer Sciences
Drama, Dance and Cinematics
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Food Science
Geography & Environmental Sciences
Land & Property Management
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Related
Pharmacy & Pharmacology
Physics & Astronomy
Social Work
Sports Science
Town Planning & Landscape Architecture
Veterinary Medicine

University Foundation
International Year One
Top-Up Degree

Updated: 2015-12-8