22/7 星期一
10:30AM - 11:30AM
University of Wolverhampton
大學預備班 銜接學位課程一年級 |
國際一年級 銜接學位課程二年級 |
學位課程 | 碩士課程 |
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University of Wolverhampton 是於 1992 年升格為大學的多所理工學院之一,主校區設於 Wolverhampton 市中心,並於 Walsall、Telford 等鄰近市鎮設有分校,距離中部大城市 Birmingham 約 30-60 分鐘車程。入學門檻較低,部份課程接受副學位畢業生入讀學位課程三年級。在 University of Wolverhampton 眾多學系裡,以醫療相關學科的學生人數最多,物理治療、職業治療、護理、助產士及足病診療(Podiatry)課程均接受國際學生申請。
Physiotherapy (23), Building & Surveying (31), Pharmacology & Pharmacy (36), Social Policy (37), Archaeology & Forensic Science (39), Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering (44), Architecture (45), Civil Engineering (51), Mathematics (54), Nursing (58), Law (61), Art & Design (63), Sports Science (65), Education (68), Drama & Dance (69), Music (71), Accounting & Finance (72), Social Work (74), English (76), Criminology (77), Media & Communication (79), Business Studies (80), Medical-related Subjects (83), History (85), Sociology (86), Biological Sciences (95), Psychology (95), Computer Science (105)
- 升學活動:University of Wolverhampton
- 日期:22/7(星期一)
- 時間:10:30AM - 11:30AM