Mander Portman Woodward (MPW) Cambridge
學校編號 CM03 |地圖座標 F7 | | MPW Cambridge, 3-4 Brookside, Cambridge, CB2 1JE🗺️ 在 London、Birmingham 及 Cambridge 設有分校
🔍 一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)
🔍 一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)
● 提供一年制會考課程● 提供一年制高考課程
Mander Portman Woodward (MPW) Sixth Form College 是一所成立於 1973 年的私立預科書院,在倫敦(London)、伯明翰(Birmingham)及劍橋(Cambridge)設有分校,主要提供英國會考(GCSE)、高考課程(A-levels)及大學預備班(設三個課程選擇,學歷分別由 University of London、英國北部大學聯盟 NCUK 及 MPW 頒授)。除兩年制的常規高考課程外,亦設一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)及高考預備班(Pre-A-levels)。校內約 70% 學生為英國本土學生,每班學生人數更嚴格限制於九人或以下,科目選擇超過 40 個,教師當中有 1/3 擁有博士資歷,能為學生提供良好的學習環境。公開考試方面,在 2022 年三所分校在英國高考(A-levels)的整體 A*-B 比例達 67%。學校更自設出版社,由校內資深導師撰寫升學指南,如《Getting into Medcial School》、《Getting into Oxford & Cambridge》及英國聯招(UCAS)手冊,適合即將升讀大學的學生參考。
校內 70% 學生為英國學生:為何學生會在高中階段轉校到 MPW 讀書?
作為一所預科書院,在 MPW 讀書的以修讀高考課程(A-levels)的學生為主,而且他們都是在高中的不同階段裡決定轉校到 MPW 的!這些學生不少都來自區內名校,大部份會在完成英國會考(GSCE)後轉到 MPW 升讀高考課程,亦有學生會在修讀高考課程期間因為各種原因轉校。除此以外,亦有不少學生會在應考高考後,認為成績未能反映自己的能力,希望再次挑戰公開考試。
以下我們嘗試從學校網站刊載的學生分享中歸納出學生轉校至 MPW 讀書的原因,以及他們欣賞學校在教學和學習支援上的地方,為學生和家長提供參考:
一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)
如果學生有較高的升學目標,希望入讀頂尖學府(如牛津、劍橋、LSE)或高競爭科目(如醫科、精算、法律系等),一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)或者會是一個十分值得考慮的選擇——再次挑戰廣受認可的公開考試的機會。
早在學生與 MPW 進行入學諮詢的時候,招生組人員已經會著手了解學生的升學意向和目標,初步規劃一個學習計劃。這些建議包括高考科目選擇建議、工作和義工經驗的準備,以至大學入學面試訓練的安排和其他入學筆試的準備(如醫科入學筆試 UCAT 和 BMAT、法律系的 LNAT 等)。目的是讓學生了解到課程的挑戰性,因為要在短短一年時間應付原本為期兩年的高考課程絕不容易,學生需要有合適的準備,以便在九月開學之初已經可以投入密集的學習安排裡。開學後,學生則會在老師和個人導師(Personal Tutor)的指導和支援下學習,我們的學生 Ulysses 亦都高度評價他在 MPW Cambridge 的學習經驗(按此查閱學生為學校撰寫的推薦文)!
醫科預備計劃(Medical School Preparation Programme)
不少在 MPW 讀書的學生都以升讀醫科、牙科及獸醫學院為目標,學校亦特別為這些學生設計了獨特的醫科預備計劃,在學生修讀高考課程期間提供額外的學習及申請支援和面試訓練:
過往 MPW 的醫科預備計劃相當成功,在 2020 至 2022 年間共有 95 位畢業生成功升讀醫科、牙科、獸醫學及生科醫學(Biomedicine)課程,過去亦有學生成功回流香港大學醫學院。
藝術基礎課程:由 University of the Arts London 頒授學歷
在藝術教育方面有多年經驗,過往在課程上以英國高考(A-levels)為核心,最近三屆(2019-2021)畢業生當中共有 50 位成功升讀 University of the Arts London。由 2022/23 學年起,MPW 倫敦分校更正式成為倫敦藝術大學(University of the Arts London Awarding Body)認可教學中心,開辦由 University of the Arts London 頒授學歷的一年制藝術基礎課程,提供更貼近大學藝術教育模式的課程,可助進一步提升學生頂尖藝術學院的機會!
位於劍橋大學植物公園側,約 220 位學生中半數以上是英國人。科目選擇多,部份科目就算只有 2-3 位學生報讀仍然開班,並限制每班人數最高十人,非常尊重學生的選擇。學校更自設出版社,由校內資深導師撰寫升學指南,如《Getting into Medcial School》、《Getting into Oxford & Cambridge》及英國聯招(UCAS)手冊,適合即將升讀大學的學生參考。
校內 70% 學生為英國學生:為何學生會在高中階段轉校到 MPW 讀書?
作為一所預科書院,在 MPW 讀書的以修讀高考課程(A-levels)的學生為主,而且他們都是在高中的不同階段裡決定轉校到 MPW 的!這些學生不少都來自區內名校,大部份會在完成英國會考(GSCE)後轉到 MPW 升讀高考課程,亦有學生會在修讀高考課程期間因為各種原因轉校。除此以外,亦有不少學生會在應考高考後,認為成績未能反映自己的能力,希望再次挑戰公開考試。
以下我們嘗試從學校網站刊載的學生分享中歸納出學生轉校至 MPW 讀書的原因,以及他們欣賞學校在教學和學習支援上的地方,為學生和家長提供參考:
學生 | 原校、轉校原因及MPW 學習優點 | 修讀課程、公開考試成績、所升讀大學及學系 |
Carlos |
Hatty |
Alexia |
Tallulah |
Emily |
Thomas |
Tiffany |
Jake |
完整學生刊載於學校網站,歡迎按此查閱:MPW London (Carlos, Hatty, Alexia, Tallulah, Emily, Tiffany)、MPW Cambridge (Thomas)、MPW Birmingham (Jake) |
一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)
如果學生有較高的升學目標,希望入讀頂尖學府(如牛津、劍橋、LSE)或高競爭科目(如醫科、精算、法律系等),一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)或者會是一個十分值得考慮的選擇——再次挑戰廣受認可的公開考試的機會。
早在學生與 MPW 進行入學諮詢的時候,招生組人員已經會著手了解學生的升學意向和目標,初步規劃一個學習計劃。這些建議包括高考科目選擇建議、工作和義工經驗的準備,以至大學入學面試訓練的安排和其他入學筆試的準備(如醫科入學筆試 UCAT 和 BMAT、法律系的 LNAT 等)。目的是讓學生了解到課程的挑戰性,因為要在短短一年時間應付原本為期兩年的高考課程絕不容易,學生需要有合適的準備,以便在九月開學之初已經可以投入密集的學習安排裡。開學後,學生則會在老師和個人導師(Personal Tutor)的指導和支援下學習,我們的學生 Ulysses 亦都高度評價他在 MPW Cambridge 的學習經驗(按此查閱學生為學校撰寫的推薦文)!
醫科預備計劃(Medical School Preparation Programme)
不少在 MPW 讀書的學生都以升讀醫科、牙科及獸醫學院為目標,學校亦特別為這些學生設計了獨特的醫科預備計劃,在學生修讀高考課程期間提供額外的學習及申請支援和面試訓練:
- 個人陳述(Personal Statement)改良班
- 醫學院面試訓練
- 醫學院入學試(BMAT、UCAT)準備
- 關於英國醫療體制、常見醫學議題的概論講座
過往 MPW 的醫科預備計劃相當成功,在 2020 至 2022 年間共有 95 位畢業生成功升讀醫科、牙科、獸醫學及生科醫學(Biomedicine)課程,過去亦有學生成功回流香港大學醫學院。
藝術基礎課程:由 University of the Arts London 頒授學歷
在藝術教育方面有多年經驗,過往在課程上以英國高考(A-levels)為核心,最近三屆(2019-2021)畢業生當中共有 50 位成功升讀 University of the Arts London。由 2022/23 學年起,MPW 倫敦分校更正式成為倫敦藝術大學(University of the Arts London Awarding Body)認可教學中心,開辦由 University of the Arts London 頒授學歷的一年制藝術基礎課程,提供更貼近大學藝術教育模式的課程,可助進一步提升學生頂尖藝術學院的機會!
位於劍橋大學植物公園側,約 220 位學生中半數以上是英國人。科目選擇多,部份科目就算只有 2-3 位學生報讀仍然開班,並限制每班人數最高十人,非常尊重學生的選擇。學校更自設出版社,由校內資深導師撰寫升學指南,如《Getting into Medcial School》、《Getting into Oxford & Cambridge》及英國聯招(UCAS)手冊,適合即將升讀大學的學生參考。
36% A*-A | |
英國高考(A-levels)A*-A 比例 |
64% A*-B | |
英國高考(A-levels)A*-B 比例 |
45% 9-7 / A*-A | |
英國會考(GCSE)9-7 級(相等於舊會考科目 A*-A)比例 |
公開考試成績 | 2022* |
英國高考(A-levels)A*-A 比例 | 36% |
英國高考(A-levels)A*-B 比例 | 64% |
英國會考(GCSE)9-7 級(相等於舊會考科目 A*-A)比例 | 45% |
* 2020 和 2021 年的英國會考(GCSE)、高考(A-levels)及 IB 考試受新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情影響而取消,該年度的公開考試成績最終以推算分數(Calculated Grade)及校方評估代替。2022 年英國會考(GCSE)及高考(A-levels)如常舉行,但評分準則略較疫情前寬鬆;由 2023 年起,評分準則大致回復至疫情前水平。家長選校時宜同時參考數年的公開考試成績。
Alvin Chiu
入讀院校Mander Portman Woodward (MPW) Birmingham
升讀大學University of Hong Kong
修讀課程MBBS Medicine
Alvin won the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. Alvin joined MPW from Hong Kong for our two-year A level course in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. He achieved grades A*A*A*A*, meeting his conditional offer from the University of Cambridge to read Medicine. Alvin decided instead to pursue his university studies in Hong Kong.
Ulysses Chow
入讀院校Mander Portman Woodward (MPW) Cambridge
修讀課程及年級一年制高考課程(1-Year A-levels)
升讀大學University of Cambridge
MPW is ranked among the very top sixth form colleges in the A-Level results table with an extraordinarily high rate of 40% of candidates obtaining A*/A, according to the Telegraph. Being situated in Cambridge, a place widely pervaded by an academic atmosphere, MPW ought to be an ideal place for studying. These were my considerations when choosing a college: academic performance and location. And, that was why I chose MPW.
Indeed, MPW is not in vain that it bears the place in the table. I received high levels of holistic assistance covering my academic aspect as well as university guidance from the teachers. Joel, my personal tutor, did not only help me with my application but also voluntarily used his spare time to mark my extra homework as an experienced philosophy teacher. My class teachers, Toby, Nick and Neil, were all equally excellent explainers on the abstract concepts of philosophical arguments, mathematical formulae and economic problems respectively in spite of the limited time of the course, whose length was only a year for both AS and A2. Their enlightenments on me were not merely scholarly, they ameliorated my attitude towards studying, my logical and critical thinking, and most importantly, they befriended me not as teachers but socially experienced yet ordinary men, which is fundamental to students because to us, schools are not places wholly classified as homework factories, on the contrary, they are where we live, where we interact with and learn life experience from people.
The result day did not bring any disappointment to the teachers to whom I should thank and be grateful for. I eventually achieved A*AAA in my A-Level and am en route to study law at Cambridge, which drew a period, if not an exclamation mark, to my secondary education. I can conclude that my life at MPW was enjoyable and unforgettable that there was no regret or mournfulness that I chose MPW. It was a privilege and an honour having studied there.
Indeed, MPW is not in vain that it bears the place in the table. I received high levels of holistic assistance covering my academic aspect as well as university guidance from the teachers. Joel, my personal tutor, did not only help me with my application but also voluntarily used his spare time to mark my extra homework as an experienced philosophy teacher. My class teachers, Toby, Nick and Neil, were all equally excellent explainers on the abstract concepts of philosophical arguments, mathematical formulae and economic problems respectively in spite of the limited time of the course, whose length was only a year for both AS and A2. Their enlightenments on me were not merely scholarly, they ameliorated my attitude towards studying, my logical and critical thinking, and most importantly, they befriended me not as teachers but socially experienced yet ordinary men, which is fundamental to students because to us, schools are not places wholly classified as homework factories, on the contrary, they are where we live, where we interact with and learn life experience from people.
The result day did not bring any disappointment to the teachers to whom I should thank and be grateful for. I eventually achieved A*AAA in my A-Level and am en route to study law at Cambridge, which drew a period, if not an exclamation mark, to my secondary education. I can conclude that my life at MPW was enjoyable and unforgettable that there was no regret or mournfulness that I chose MPW. It was a privilege and an honour having studied there.