Fyling Hall School
學校編號 F11 | 地圖座標 F5 | www.fylinghall.org | Robin Hoods Bay, North Yorkshire, YO22 4QD🔍 學生增值度(Value-Addedness)最高 5% 學校
💰 每年學費及住宿費港幣 26 至 35 萬(24/25)
💰 每年學費及住宿費港幣 26 至 35 萬(24/25)
● 提供一年制會考課程
Fyling Hall School 是一所位於英格蘭北部約克郡(Yorkshire)的小型「一條龍」寄宿學校。校園佔地 45 英畝,位於國家公園 North York Moors National Park 內,但距離 Robin Hood’s Bay 海灣僅兩分鐘車程,是少數能夠提供廣闊校園環境和活動空間,又近海的學校選擇,而且學費亦相對相宜!由 1923 年成立以今有百年歷史,學生在畢業後有良好發展,英國資深傳媒人及前 BBC 新聞主播 Philip Hayton、民歌歌手 Eliza Carthy MBE 亦是 Fyling Hall School 的畢業生。
受惠於國家公園的獨特環境,Fyling Hall School 有選擇眾多的課外活動,包括攀石、越野單車、滑浪等較罕有選擇。校方在校內獲最高「五星」評級的馬厩養了八匹馬,學生可抱著嘗試和休閒的心態參與,亦可參加正規訓練,在英國馬術協會(BHS)註冊導師的指導下學習策騎技術。對騎馬興趣較高的學生可選擇於每周兩節體育課的其中一節來騎馬,校園附近的海灘是師生和馬匹最喜愛的策騎地點!
除了策騎技巧外,Fyling Hall School 學生亦會落手落腳參與照顧馬匹,會學習到管理馬厩、評估馬匹健康和狀態的技巧等,在 2024/25 學年起,學校亦在英國高考(A-levels)科目選擇中加入英國國家職業文憑馬匹管理科(BTEC Equine Management),這些知識特別對有志修讀獸醫、獸醫護士、動物學的學生有幫助。近年 Fyling Hall School 更有舊生在大學畢業後獲香港賽馬會聘用!
最佳進步:學生增值度(Value-Addedness)最高 5% 學校
Fyling Hall School 採取「非選擇性(Non-Selective)」收生政策,沒有設立高入學門檻,主張鼓勵學生無論成績高低都力求進步!除了推行小班教學以外,校方亦會適時為學生提供「一對一」課後補習班。
Fyling Hall School 在 2023 年英國高考(A-levels)的 A*-A 比例達 48%。根據英國教育局統計,Fyling Hall School 是全英學生增值度最高 5% 學校,2018 年更是最高首十所學校,反映學生在入讀 Fyling Hall School 後成績有明顯進步!2023 年的畢業班學生全數都能升讀自己的首選大學。過去數年成績最好的學生可晉身牛津(修讀藝術系、生物化學系)、劍橋大學(修讀醫科)、UCL(生物科學系),成果令人鼓舞!
中五插班:一年制會考課程(1-Year GCSE)或高考預備班(Pre-A-levels)
校方容許學生於中五(Year 11)插班,並可視乎學生的情況而決定是否參加英國會考(GCSE)考試。
學費相宜,學生增值度(Value-Addedness)全英國最高 5% 學校之一。校方善用位於國家公園 North York Moors National Park 內校園環境,提供選擇甚多而且獨特的課外活動,選擇包括騎馬、各項水上活動等!
受惠於國家公園的獨特環境,Fyling Hall School 有選擇眾多的課外活動,包括攀石、越野單車、滑浪等較罕有選擇。校方在校內獲最高「五星」評級的馬厩養了八匹馬,學生可抱著嘗試和休閒的心態參與,亦可參加正規訓練,在英國馬術協會(BHS)註冊導師的指導下學習策騎技術。對騎馬興趣較高的學生可選擇於每周兩節體育課的其中一節來騎馬,校園附近的海灘是師生和馬匹最喜愛的策騎地點!
除了策騎技巧外,Fyling Hall School 學生亦會落手落腳參與照顧馬匹,會學習到管理馬厩、評估馬匹健康和狀態的技巧等,在 2024/25 學年起,學校亦在英國高考(A-levels)科目選擇中加入英國國家職業文憑馬匹管理科(BTEC Equine Management),這些知識特別對有志修讀獸醫、獸醫護士、動物學的學生有幫助。近年 Fyling Hall School 更有舊生在大學畢業後獲香港賽馬會聘用!
最佳進步:學生增值度(Value-Addedness)最高 5% 學校
Fyling Hall School 採取「非選擇性(Non-Selective)」收生政策,沒有設立高入學門檻,主張鼓勵學生無論成績高低都力求進步!除了推行小班教學以外,校方亦會適時為學生提供「一對一」課後補習班。
Fyling Hall School 在 2023 年英國高考(A-levels)的 A*-A 比例達 48%。根據英國教育局統計,Fyling Hall School 是全英學生增值度最高 5% 學校,2018 年更是最高首十所學校,反映學生在入讀 Fyling Hall School 後成績有明顯進步!2023 年的畢業班學生全數都能升讀自己的首選大學。過去數年成績最好的學生可晉身牛津(修讀藝術系、生物化學系)、劍橋大學(修讀醫科)、UCL(生物科學系),成果令人鼓舞!
中五插班:一年制會考課程(1-Year GCSE)或高考預備班(Pre-A-levels)
校方容許學生於中五(Year 11)插班,並可視乎學生的情況而決定是否參加英國會考(GCSE)考試。
學費相宜,學生增值度(Value-Addedness)全英國最高 5% 學校之一。校方善用位於國家公園 North York Moors National Park 內校園環境,提供選擇甚多而且獨特的課外活動,選擇包括騎馬、各項水上活動等!
Manfred Kong
入讀院校Fyling Hall School
修讀課程及年級中三(Year 9)
升讀大學University of Glasgow
修讀課程BEng/MEng (Hons) Physics & Aeronautical Engineering
I’ve been at Fyling Hall for just over a term now. I came from Hong Kong. Fyling Hall was the most reasonably priced private school and when I looked on the website, I liked the small school family atmosphere in the middle of a national park and not crowded, like back at home in Hong Kong. When I first arrived, I was a bit nervous, but I soon made friends who have helped me settle. I like the small class sizes and I think the music, arts and drama are really good over here at Fyling Hall. I made the right decision coming to Fyling Hall. I hope to stay until I finish my A Levels. That’s another 4 years! I would recommend Fyling Hall to anybody in Hong Kong because it is so different, small, beautiful and clean air. It makes me a lot less stressed than I was at home.
Keith Ku
入讀院校Fyling Hall School
修讀課程及年級中三(Year 9)
It is always fun to be a boarder
Hi, my name is Keith and I am from Hong Kong. I am also a boarder at Fyling Hall School. It is always fun to be a boarder here because we have a lot of activities that we can do. For example, we can do horse-riding in games and there are lots of different trips running at the weekends.
In my first year at Fyling Hall I realised how different both the school and the British culture were to what I was used to in Hong Kong. I also had to learn a new language! But I still made a lot of friends because my snacks from Hong Kong were so good, they were very curious about the food I brought with me. We made a deal - I gave them food and they taught me English!
Out of school, I did a lot of mountain-biking with my friends. They were very nice to me, even their parents. They took me to many places to bike, like Dalby Forest and Raincliffe. They were beautiful and there were lots of jumps and trials. My friends taught me how to do some tricks, like whips and scrups. I learnt the words for the tricks from them too!
I don’t think boarding is boring, it’s probably even better than being at home and staying with your mum all day!
In my first year at Fyling Hall I realised how different both the school and the British culture were to what I was used to in Hong Kong. I also had to learn a new language! But I still made a lot of friends because my snacks from Hong Kong were so good, they were very curious about the food I brought with me. We made a deal - I gave them food and they taught me English!
Out of school, I did a lot of mountain-biking with my friends. They were very nice to me, even their parents. They took me to many places to bike, like Dalby Forest and Raincliffe. They were beautiful and there were lots of jumps and trials. My friends taught me how to do some tricks, like whips and scrups. I learnt the words for the tricks from them too!
I don’t think boarding is boring, it’s probably even better than being at home and staying with your mum all day!
學費及升學預算參考 下列學費尚未包括增值稅(VAT),相關政策預料於 2025 年一月起生效
2024/25 年度每學期寄宿學費(每學年共三個學期) | |||||
小四小五 | 小六 | 中一中二 | 中三 | 中四中五 | 中六中七 |
£8,255 | £8,255 | £9,720 | £9,720 | £10,025 | £10,025 |
2024/25 年度每學期日校學費(每學年共三個學期) | |||||||
小一小二 | 小三 | 小四小五 | 小六 | 中一中二 | 中三 | 中四中五 | 中六中七 |
£2,830 | £3,075 | £3,075 | £3,075 | £3,880 | £3,880 | £4,030 | £4,030 |
英國寄宿學校的寄宿學費已包括學費和住宿費用。其他額外費用會加到下一學期的學費單內。常見的額外費用包括下列數項:- 英文補習班
- 監護人
- 課外活動
- 零用錢
- 校服
- 其他:往返機場的交通費用、考察(Field Trip)、講座(Seminar)、參考書(學費已包括書簿費,但高年級學生可能要付額外費用購買參考書)等。