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英國大學排名 2023


英國大學排名 2023

為何採用《泰晤士報(Times)》Good University Guide 英國大學排名?

《泰晤士報(Times)》Good University Guide 英國大學排名同時採納學生滿意度、學術研究水平、入學門檻及畢業生就業情況等多方面去評價各所英國大學,能較全面地反映大學的教學和學術研究表現,因此我們亦一直主要採用 Good University Guide 作為挑選大學的數據參考。


  • 生物工程及生物醫學工程(Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering)、博雅教育(Liberal Arts)、自然科學(Natural Sciences)三個學科現設有獨立學系排名,可為學生及家長提供更準確的參考。
  • 隨著每六年一屆的英國學術研究水平調查(REF 2021)於 2022 年正式發布,排名表裡的學術研究評分有較大變化。整體來說,大部份排名較高的大學的起跌不多,但部份現代大學(如 Falmouth UniversityNottingham Trent UniversityUniversity of Portsmouth 等)受惠於學術研究評分改善,在整體排名上有較大升幅。
  • 服務及設備投資(Services/Facilities Spend)不再被納入評分機制裡,變相令其他評分準則的比重有所提高,更能反映教學質素、學術研究水平等重要指標。


英國大學 學術研究水平
1 2 University of Oxford 67%
2 1 University of St Andrews 53.8%
3 3 University of Cambridge 69.7%
4 5 London School of Economics and Political Science 68%
5 4 Imperial College London 73.9%
6 6 Durham University 55.9%
7 7 University College London 66.8%
8 9 University of Bath 53%
9 8 University of Warwick 60.9%
10 13 University of Edinburgh 61.5%
11 10 Loughborough University 52.5%
12 11 Lancaster University 57.4%
13 21 University of Exeter 57.5%
14 12 University of Glasgow 61.2%
15 14 University of Bristol 66.2%
16 16 University of Southampton 60.1%
17 19 University of York 62.8%
18 17 University of Strathclyde 53.1%
19 20 University of Aberdeen 38.7%
20 25 University of Birmingham 61.9%
20 22 University of Sheffield 59.1%
22 32 University of Surrey 53.3%
23 15 University of Leeds 57%
24 23 University of Manchester 64.4%
25 35 Cardiff University 56.7%
26 18 King’s College London 64.2%
27 27 University of East Anglia 58%
28 24 Queen’s University, Belfast 52%
29 26 Royal Holloway, University of London 53.6%
30 28 University of Nottingham 56.1%
30 34 University of Reading 51.1%
32 35 University of Dundee 51.1%
33 42 Newcastle University 53.6%
33 30 University of Liverpool 55.6%
35 37 University of Leicester 53.6%
36 40 Queen Mary, University of London 58.7%
37 33 SOAS University of London 51.9%
38 44 Ulster University 47.8%
38 41 University of Stirling 43.8%
40 74 University of West London 28.7%
41 38 Aberystwyth University 38.7%
42 87 Falmouth University 48.8%
42 70 Nottingham Trent University 41.9%
42 39 Swansea University 47.5%
45 45 Aston University, Birmingham 40.9%
45 64 Bangor University 51.3%
47 29 Harper Adams University 19.5%
48 46 University of Kent 52.9%
49 62 Northumbria University 40.6%
50 47 University of Sussex 52.9%
51 67 St Mary’s University, Twickenham 29.4%
52 60 Glasgow Caledonian University 38.5%
53 49 University of Lincoln 38.4%
54 43 University of Essex 50%
55 51 Coventry University 33.8%
56 52 University of the Arts, London 46%
57 30 Heriot-Watt University 48.7%
57 54 Oxford Brookes University 32.8%
59 57 Edinburgh Napier University 32.9%
60 71 Manchester Metropolitan University 43.7%
61 73 University of the West of England 35.7%
62 88 University of Portsmouth 39.1%
63 69 University for the Creative Arts 41.2%
64 48 Keele University 42%
65 62 Robert Gordon University 20.8%
66 50 University of Chichester 20.1%
67 66 Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh 27.3%
68 55 City, University of London 51.5%
69 52 University of Hull 42.4%
70 56 Norwich University of the Arts 38.8%
71 103 Leeds Arts University 6%
71 93 Liverpool John Moores University 32.8%
73 75 University of Huddersfield 31.1%
74 58 University of Plymouth 38.6%
75 82 Bishop Grosseteste University 11.3%
76 79 Arts University Bournemouth 23%
77 103 Bath Spa University 29.3%
78 58 Edge Hill University 26.3%
79 83 York St John University 19.6%
80 81 Liverpool Hope University 22.3%
80 101 Plymouth Marjon University 17.4%
82 72 Sheffield Hallam University 36%
82 78 St George’s, University of London 48.8%
84 89 University of Greenwich 32.9%
85 89 University of Buckingham n/a%
86 118 Teesside University 28%
87 106 University of Winchester 22%
88 98 University of Salford 37.8%
89 94 Abertay University 24.6%
89 106 Bournemouth University 30.7%
91 96 University of Hertfordshire 39.2%
92 101 Kingston University 34.6%
93 79 Cardiff Metropolitan University 32%
94 83 Birmingham City University 29%
95 89 University of Bradford 29.9%
96 94 University of Derby 21%
97 68 University of Chester 21.1%
98 117 University of Brighton 41.4%
98 77 University of Sunderland 30.5%
100 124 Leeds Trinity University 15.1%
101 65 University of Roehampton 45.9%
102 116 Royal Agricultural University 24.2%
103 99 University of South Wales 27.5%
104 83 University of Wales Trinity St David 23.8%
105 112 Hartpury University 15.8%
106 76 Staffordshire University 30%
107 108 University of Central Lancashire 30.4%
108 61 Goldsmiths, University of London 45.5%
109 115 Anglia Ruskin University 30.2%
110 121 Brunel University London 34%
110 86 University of Worcester 15.3%
112 96 University of Gloucestershire 21%
113 112 Leeds Beckett University 26.7%
114 112 Solent University 12.6%
115 123 Middlesex University 30.4%
115 105 University of Suffolk 21.8%
115 129 University of Westminster 39.7%
118 122 Newman University 13.3%
119 119 Canterbury Christ Church University 26.1%
120 110 Wrexham Glyndwr University 13.3%
121 119 Buckinghamshire New University 17.6%
122 126 De Montfort University 27.4%
122 110 University of the West of Scotland 19.2%
124 89 University of Bolton 10.6%
125 108 University of Northampton 13.8%
126 127 London South Bank University 28.8%
127 128 University of Wolverhampton 21.6%
128 100 London Metropolitan University 29.2%
129 125 University of Cumbria 13.6%
130 131 Ravensbourne University, London 13.5%
131 130 University of East London 22.8%
132 132 University of Bedfordshire 30%



1 4 LSE
2 18 Strathclyde
3 9 Warwick
4 8 Bath
5 23 Leeds
1 52 Glasgow Caledonian
2 65 Robert Gordon
3 16 Southampton
4 27 East Anglia
5 49 Northumbria
1 1 Oxford
2 32 Dundee
2 5 Imperial College
4 23 Leeds
5 20 Sheffield
1 20 Birmingham
2 10 Edinburgh
3 71 Liverpool John Moores
4 22 Surrey
5 62 Portsmouth
1 3 Cambridge
2 11 Loughborough
3 25 Cardiff
4 20 Sheffield
5 8 Bath
1 2 St Andrews
2 9 Warwick
2 1 Oxford
4 3 Cambridge
5 4 LSE

下載英國大學排名 2023



會計及金融 Accounting & Finance
航空及製造工程 Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
動物科學、獸醫護士 Animal Science & Vet Nursing
人類學 Anthropology
考古學及法證科學 Archaeology & Forensic Science
建築 Architecture
藝術及設計 Art & Design
生物工程及生物醫學工程 Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering
生物科學 Biological Sciences
建造工程及測量學 Building & Surveying
商業研究 Business Studies
化學工程 Chemical Engineering
化學 Chemistry
土木工程 Civil Engineering
新聞及傳理 Communication & Media
電腦科學 Computer Sciences
犯罪學 Criminology
牙科 Dentistry
戲劇及舞蹈 Drama, Dance & Cinematics
經濟 Economics
教育 Education
電子工程 Electrical & Electronic Engineering
英文 English
食物科學 Food Science
地理及環境科學 Geography & Environmental Sciences
歷史 History
藝術史 History of Art, Architecture & Design
旅遊及酒店管理 Hospitality & Tourism
物業管理 Land & Property Management
法律 Law
博雅教育 Liberal Arts
語言學 Linguistics
材料科技 Materials Technology
數學 Mathematics
機械工程 Mechanical Engineering
醫療相關學科(如輔導學、營養學及營養治療、職業治療、足病治療、言語治療、脊醫學、視光學等)Medical-Related Subjects
醫科 Medicine
音樂 Music
自然科學 Natural Sciences
護理學 Nursing
藥劑及藥理學 Pharmacy & Pharmacology
哲學 Philosophy
物理及天文學 Physics & Astronomy
物理治療 Physiotherapy
政治學 Politics
心理學 Psychology
放射學 Radiography
社會政策研究 Social Policy
社工 Social Work
社會學 Sociology
運動科學 Sports Science
城市規劃及園境設計 Town Planning & Landscape Architecture
獸醫 Veterinary Medicine

大學國際一年級(International Year One)
Top-up 學位

更新日期:2022 年 9 月 22 日