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Seminars and Interview Sessions

18/2 Tuesday

5:00PM - 6:30PM

Princess Helena College <sup><mark>CANCELLED</mark></sup>

Princess Helena College CANCELLED

Type: Interview & Information Day (Boarding School)
Target: F.1 to F.7
Location: British United
CANCELLED Interviews & Information Sessions Available via Skype
In view of the latest developments of the coronavirus, the School is no longer able to travel to Hong Kong. Prospective students and parents interested in Princess Helena College can register their interest in this post, our education consultants will then arrange for an individual interview and information session to be carried out via Skype. Thank you for your understanding!
Termly Boarding Fees in 2019/20 (3 Terms per Year)
Y4 – Y5 Y6 Y7 – Y8 Y9 Y10 – Y11 Y12 – Y13
- - £10125 £10125 £10125 £10125

Sitting in the suburbs at the north of London, Princess Helena College is a small-sized boarding school with a campus that spans 183 acres of land. Its main building is a very elegant Grade II listed building – the Queen Anne Mansion. Academic results are remarkable. In the past five years (2015-2019), A*-B rates in GCE A-levels ranged from 49% to 66%. Almost all graduates progressed to their first-choice universities while a few made it to top universities including Oxford and Cambridge. Outside classroom, students are extremely talented in areas such as visual and performing arts. With exceptional talent, a number of graduates have gained places in some of the best music schools in the country.

24% A*-A
% of A*-A in GCE A-levels (2019)
49% A*-B. Average Grades: BCC
% of A*-B in GCE A-levels (2019)
39% 9-7 / A*-A
% of 9-7 (or A*-A in the old grading scale) in GCSE (2019)

You are registering for:

  • Event: Princess Helena College CANCELLED
  • Date: 18/2(Tuesday)
  • Time: 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10-11
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13