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Seminars and Interview Sessions

7/10 Saturday

2:30PM - 4:00PM

Boarding School Seminar

Boarding School Seminar

Type: In-Person Seminar
Target: P.4 to F.7
Location: British United / Watch from Home

What’s so good about studying in the UK? In addition to small class-size, excellent provision of facilities and more flexible teaching methods, what makes the As in UK student’s report cards? What options do Hong Kong students have, to continue their studies in the UK? What makes up the best preparation for progression to the finest universities? How does British boarding school experience benefit students when they apply to universities in Hong Kong? In the seminar, our education consultants will answer all these questions by sharing their own experience in the UK. The seminar is suitable for parents of primary and secondary school students and students themselves, who are interested in studying in the UK.

Content Highlights

  • The Education Systems: In what circumstances can Hong Kong students progress to the next year group in the UK? In which year groups does it offer more school options?
  • The Boarding School Life: What time is lights out time? What weekend activities are available for boarders? What are these unique school holidays in boarding schools?
  • The Public Exams: How do GCSE and A-levels subject choices affect your options in university? What subject combination may bring extra advantages to Hong Kong students?
  • A brief analysis of Non-Jupas admission data
  • Factors to consider when applying to boarding school as a day student
  • The Application Procedures: What should you consider when selecting a boarding school? What criteria are used when boarding schools select students?
  • Is it necessary to sit boarding school entrance exams (such as BUSSATs & UKiSet) in advance?

Let the Fortune Top Boarding School Advisor help with planning your children’s education blueprint

British United is named one of Fortune Magazine’s 25 Top Boarding School Advisors – voted by headmasters, registrars, alumni and parents!

Official Test Centre of Boarding School Entrance Tests

We’re the official test centre of boarding school entrance tests BUSSATs and UKiSet. While BUSSATs and UKiSet are currently now one of the entry requirements of some boarding schools, completing the test doesn’t guarantee exemption from a school’s entrance test. Our education consultants will advise you on whether it’s necessary to take the test.

BUSSATs Hong Kong Test Centre
UKiSet Hong Kong Test Centre

You are registering for:

  • Event: Boarding School Seminar
  • Date: 7/10(Saturday)
  • Time: 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10-11
Year 11 (1-Year GCSE)
Year 12-13