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Taught Postgraduate

Postgraduate degrees in the UK have always been a popular choice among Hong Kong bachelor’s degree holders and working adults as a mean to gain overseas exposure and relevant experiences!

Apart from a handful of professional degrees, the course duration of most master’s programmes is 12 months – starting from late September to early October, and last till the following August. Holders of a second-upper class (or 2:1 in the UK) honours bachelor’s degree will usually be admitted into a taught postgraduate programme in the same academic discipline in UK’s Top 50 universities.

  • Entry in September. Some institutions also provide January entry.
  • The majority of Taught Postgraduate in the UK last for a year (12 months). Class usually starts in late September or early October, and last till the following August.
Progression Route
Taught Postgraduate升學路線圖
Annual Tuition & Accommodation Cost
University HK$170K - 490K
Cost varies for different disciplines and universities
Admission Requirements
Academic Requirement
Hong Kong Student Mainland Chinese Student
Undergraduate Undergraduate
English Requirement
IELTS 6.5+

If you want to know more about the content, please kindly fill in the following electronic form. Our education consultants will get back to you shortly.

University Foundation
International Year One
Top-Up Degree
English Course